Courses and Summer Schools
Dr Mark Keck-Szajbel
- Winter 2024: European History from the View of “Small States:” East Central Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
- Summer 2024: Cycology: Modern Transport in European Cultural History.
- Winter 2023: Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll: Pop Culture 1960-2023.
- Summer 2023: Forging Identities: Themes in Modern European Cultural History, 1800-2000.
- Winter 2022: How to Design an Exhibition?
- Winter 2021: Themes in Modern Cultural History.
- Summer 2021: “And the Walls come falling down.” How to Remember troubled Pasts? Public Memory of controversial History.
- Summer 2021: The Borders of Friendship. Transnational Tourism in the East Bloc.
- Fall 2017: History of East Europe: 1900 to the Present (Master Seminar). European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2017: History of East Europe: 1900 to the Present (Introduction). European University Viadrina.
- Summer 2017: Remembering Communism. European University Viadrina.
- Summer 2017: Introduction to the Idea of Europe. European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2016: History of East Europe: 1900 to the Present (Master Seminar). European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2016: History of East Europe: 1900 to the Present (Introduction). European University Viadrina.
- Summer 2016: Themes in Cultural History. European University Viadrina
- Summer 2016: (with Alexander Simmeth) Cultures in Transition: Europe 1985-2004. European University Viadrina.
- Summer 2014: (with Alexander Simmeth) From Stalinism to Pepsi-Cola. European Pop Culture in the Twentieth Century. European University Viadrina.
- Summer 2014: Moving Borders. A Cultural History of Poland, 1772-2007. European University Viadrina.
- Summer 2014: (with Tim Buchen) Reliving the Twentieth Century. Methods of Gaming, Role Playing and Interactive Learning. European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2013: (with Tim Buchen) The Dark Century. Europe 1914-1989. European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2013: (with Alexander Simmeth) Jazz, Rock and Rebels. European University Viadrina.
- Spring 2013: From Murderers to Sexmissions: Film in the East bloc. European University Viadrina.
- Spring 2013: Cold War Everyday. A Cultural History of the Iron Curtain. European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2012: A Carnival of Revolutions: Central Europe, 1989. European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2012: Get up and Go! A History of Modern European Tourism. European University Viadrina.
- Spring 2012: Ne gondold, hogy tied a világ: Post-Totalitarianismus in Dokumenten, Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.
- Fall 2011: Cold War Cultures: A Transnational Comparison, University of California, Berkeley.
- Summer 2011: Thinking under a Rock: A Cultural History of East Central Europe, 1939-1989, European University Viadrina.
- Fall 2010: The Idea of Europe in the Twentieth Century, University of California, Berkeley.
- Fall 2009: Graduate Student Instructor, “Germany in the Twentieth Century,” Dr. Daniela Blei, University of California, Berkeley.
- Summer 2009: Graduate Student Instructor, “Europe 1914 to the Present,” Dr. David Wetzel, University of California, Berkeley.
- Fall 2008: Graduate Student Instructor, “Old Europe, New Europe,” Prof. Anthony Adamthwaite, University of California, Berkeley.
- Spring 2008: Graduate Student Instructor, “Wars, Empires, Nations: European International History, 1648-1914,” Prof. Anthony Adamthwaite, University of California, Berkeley.
- Summer School: Gemeinsames Europa, 23-27 July 2024, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika in Toruń.
- Guest talk at the Summer School of James Madison Univerity: The Cultural History of German and Poland, 23-24 July 2024, Frankfurt Oder.
- Guest talk at the Summer School of Western Michigan University: The Third Reich, WWII, the Holocaust and the Cold War in Berlin, July 2023, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.
- Summer School: The Borders of Friendship, 26 June-9July 2022, Frankfurt Oder, Görlitz, Prague, Wrocław.
- Conference: (De-)Constructing Central Europe, 1918-2018, 18-20 October 2018, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.
- Summer School: People on the Move (Summer School of Interdisciplinary Polish and German Studies) from 4 June-13 July 2018, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.
- Summer School: Remembering Communism (Summer School of Interdisciplinary Polish and German Studies) from 5 June-14 July 2017, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.
- Workshop: Cultures in Transition, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies, European University Viadrina, 13-14 July 2016/Słubice.
- Summer School: Cultures in Transition (Summer School of Interdisciplinary Polish and German Studies) from 6 June-15 July 2016, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.
- Workshop: From Stalinism to Coca-Cola: A Primary Source Collection, at the Wende Museum, 20 February 2016, Culver City.
- Workshop: New Subjectivities, New Emotions, New Politics: Oppositional Politics and Counter Cultures Across the Iron Curtain During the Long 1970s, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies, European University Viadrina, 12-13 June 2015, Frankfurt Oder.
- Conference: The Pleasures of Backwardness: Consumer Desire and Modernity in Eastern Europe at the University of California, Berkeley, 23-25 April 2015, Berkeley.
- Workshop: From Stalinism to Coca-Cola: Cultural History in East Central Europe after 1945, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies, European University Viadrina, 26 June, 10 and 17 July 2014, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.
- Summer School: Borders, Cultures, Identities (Summer School of Interdisciplinary Polish and German Studies) from 9 June – 18 July 2014, Frankfurt Oder/Słubice.