Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies



Founded in July 2023, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU) merges the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies and the Chair for Entangled History of Ukraine into a new research institution at the European University Viadrina. The VCPU focuses on interdisciplinary research on Polish and Ukrainian history and the present day, as well as on the transfer of science-based and up-to-date knowledge about Poland and Ukraine to the public.

Interdisciplinary conferences, workshops, open lectures, summer academies, research trips as well as university lectures and seminars by the VCPU’s academic staff and international guest researchers, several publication series, an academic blog and a YouTube channel stimulate research on Poland and Ukraine and underline the special role of the Viadrina as a place of European intellectual exchange.

Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies

Visitor address

Große Scharrnstraße 23a
DE 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Räume 301-311



Früherer polnischer Finanzminister Leszek Balcerowicz eröffnet Winiecki-Konferenz

Am 23. und 24. Mai 2024 tauschten sich Forschende aus Polen, Deutschland und der Ukraine darüber aus, wie Gesellschaften wirtschaftliche Erschütterungen bewältigen können. Anlass war die „3. Prof. Jan Winiecki Scientific Conference“ in Gedenken an den 2016 verstorbenen Viadrina-Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Jan Winiecki.

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Europaausschuss des Landtages tagte an der Viadrina

Der Ausschuss für Europaangelegenheiten und Entwicklungspolitik des Landtages Brandenburg hat am 13. Juni 2024 im Logensaal der Viadrina getagt. Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, Co-Leiter des Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies, und Dr. iur. Bartosz Jagura, Verwaltungsdirektor des Collegium Polonicum, begrüßten die Ausschussmitglieder und gaben einen Input zur grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit der Viadrina. Nach der Ausschussitzung besichtigte der Ausschuss den Campus der Viadrina.

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Bücher-Geschenk aus Kyjiw

Am 20. Mai 2024 besuchte eine Delegation der Nationalen Taras-Schewtschenko-Universität in Kyjiw das Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU). Als besonderes Gastgeschenk hatte sie rund 60 ukrainische Bücher dabei, die den Grundstock einer künftigen Ukraine-Bibliothek an der Viadrina bilden sollen.

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Research | Teaching | Transfer


The research carried out at the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies is dedicated to Poland and Ukraine in a broad transregional context, considering the close entanglements – commonalities as well as conflicts – in this multi-layered contact zone. Recognizing the cultural and political agency of Poland and Ukraine, we treat our research as an integrative endeavor with a strategic interdisciplinary focus.

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In line with its research focus, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies pursues the strategy of integrating Polish, Ukrainian, as well as Central and Eastern European studies into as many courses at the Viadrina as possible. For this reason, courses are generally offered in English and German, together with a number of seminars in Polish and Ukrainian, and are aimed at students from all three faculties at all levels of qualification – BA, MA and PhD.

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We want to share the results of our enquiries with the public. Scientifically based, trustworthy knowledge and information, especially about the complex situations and conditions in Central and Eastern Europe, are urgently needed in Germany. In order to transfer the findings of the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies projects into an enlightened public debate, we will further develop our existing formats.

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