Prof. Dr. Goro Christoph Kimura

Associate Member
Sophia University, Tokyo

Goro Christoph Kimura is a 2002 graduate of Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo. The topic of his dissertation is "Perspectives of Human Intervention for the Preservation and Revitalization of Minority Languages."

He has been working at Sophia University in Tokyo since 2004. Associate professor since 2007 and a full professor at Sophia University since 2012. He has worked as a visiting professor at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center of Hokkaido University in Sapporo and as a visiting scholar at the Sorbian Institute (Bautzen), European University Viadrina and Universtät Leipzig, among others. In 2013-2017, Kimura was a board member and secretary of the Japanese Slavic Society.

Language policy and language management, preservation and revitalization of minority languages, interlingual communication.