Dr. Vasyl Tkachivskyi


Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU)

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Vasyl Tkachivskyi is a philologist, Germanist, interpreter and translator. Since 2001, he has the Chair of Foreign Languages at the National Vasyl-Stefanyk Vorcarpathian University in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine). While studying German at the Franko University in Lviv (Lemberg), he worked as a tour guide and technical translator on the construction site of a chemical plant. In 1995 he stayed at the University of Vienna and worked on his doctoral thesis. In 1997 he received his doctorate with the topic "German-language correspondence by Ivan Franko as a literary source" and was awarded the PhD title.

Member of the Ukrainian Association of German Teachers and Germanists. Since 2005 - UDGV coordinator in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.

  • Theory and practice of translation
  • History of literature
  • German-Ukrainian relations
  • Geopolitical problems.