Dr Mark Keck-Szajbel
- From Satie to Syren: A Cultural History of Electronic Music, Frankfurt Oder, 18 December 2024.
- The Fascination of Mobility in Late State Socialism. Conference: History and Present of the Socialist Car Culture, Tallinn, 9 November 2024.
- Historical Instances of Reparations: A Global Overview with Focus on the Current Debate Between Germany and Poland, at the conference Poland and Its Neighbours in the 20th and 21st Century, 1918-2022. Convergences and Divergences, 18 October 2024, Frankfurt Oder.
- „Meze přátelství“. Cestovní ruch mezi NDR, ČSSR a Polskem at the conference Vyhnanci, turisté-nostalgici do staré vlasti a přesídlenci v pohraničí NDR, Československa a Polské lidové republiky, 10 June 2024, Teplice.
- “(Super)Heroes of Transition. The Necessity of Narrative in Times of Change” at the Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien, 5 December 2019, Frankfurt Oder.
- “Der Tod eines Stars: Gerüchte um den Tod von Dean Reed” at the Bundesbeauftragte für die Unterlagen des Staatsicherheitsdiestes der ehemaligen DDR, 22 November 2018, Frankfurt Oder.
“1989 im Museum—Von the Wende zu Terror Háza—ein internationaler Vergleich aus der Sicht eines Lehrenden” at the Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg fall conference “DDR-Geschichte im Museum—neue Fragen, neue Ansätze,” 18 September 2017, Rathenow.
“Das ist fantastisch! The Dissemination of Porn after 1989 in East Central Europe,” at the fourth Deutsche Polenforschungstagung: Grenzen im Fluß, 23 March 2017, Frankfurt Oder.
“Motocross Mayhem: Racing as Transnational Phenomena in Socialist Czechoslovakia,” at the 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 21 November 2015, Philadelphia
“Sex, Lies and Videotape: Dropping Out with VHS in East Central Europe,” at the 46th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 20 November 2014, San Antonio.
Introductory lecture to the Third International Summer School Prague-Szczecin "Annus Mirabilis: 1989 in East Central Europe"
"Home on the Grain: the Strange Death of Polish GMOs" at the Dritte Tagung Deutsche Polenforschung: Wissen, Verstehen, Übersetzen: Nachbarn im Dialog, 21 March 2014, Giessen
“The Strange Death of Late State Socialism” at the East European Colloquium, European University Viadrina, 20 January 2014, Frankfurt Oder.
“Poland’s James Bond: the Many Lives of Marian Zacharski” at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 22 November 2013, Boston.
“Poland as Sehnsuchtsort: East Germans in the People’s Republic in the 1970s” at the international conference “Between Education, Commerce and Adventure. Tourist experience in Europe since the Interwar Period.” Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, 19-20 September, Potsdam.
“Don’t Think the World is Yours: The Transfer of Culture in 1970s and 1980s East Central Europe” at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 17 November 2012, New Orleans.
“Poland as Sehnsuchtsort: East Germans in the People’s Republic in the 1970s” at the international conference “Polen und Deutsche in Europa.” Christian-Albrecht University, 25 October 2012, Kiel.
“The Roads less Travelled. Travel Narratives and Memory in Post-War East Central European Cultural History” at the conference “Grenzen auf den zweiten Blick. Infrastrukturnetze und die Phantomgrenzen in Ostmitteleuropa.” European University Viadrina, 7 September 2012, Frankfurt (Oder).
“The Baltic Gives me the Runs! Exploring Czechoslovak Rootedness, Polish Entrepreneurialism, and German Patronization” at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 9 July 2012, Munich.
“Neither Apolitical Dissent nor (Un)civil Society: Connecting Historiographic Approaches on the Fall of Communism” at the Institute The Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, 25 May 2012, Regensburg.
“Texas Jeans, Big Beats and Little Squirts: The Generation Gap in East Central Europe” at the Thirty Fifth Annual Convention of the German Studies Association, 24 September 2011, Louisville.
“The Generation Gap in East Central Europe” at the Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, 26 June 2011, Tübingen (Germany). (Radio interview available at:
“Integration, Socialist Cooperation, and the Borders of Friendship” at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, 19 April 2011, Potsdam.
“Shop Around the Bloc: Trader Tourism and its Discontents on the East German-Polish Border” at the Working Group on the Culture and History of East Central Europe, 2 December 2010, University of California, Berkeley.
“Hitchhiking in Communist Poland” at the Forty Second Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 18 November 2010, Los Angeles.
“‘Freundschaftsweg’ or ‘Freundschaft – Weg’? Crossing the Polish, East German, and Czechoslovak Border, 1972-1989” at the Thirty Fourth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, 10 October 2010, Oakland.
“Sardines, Security and Schnapps: Managing Transnational Travel in East Central Europe, 1972-1989” at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 10 May 2010, Munich (Germany).
“Crossing the ‘Borders of Friendship’: Travel at the Czechoslovak Border, 1972-1989” at the Eleventh Annual Workshop of the Czech Studies Association, 10 April 2010, Chapel Hill.
“Wsiadaj Bracie, Dalej Hop! How Polish State Socialism fostered Hitchhiking” at the Seventh Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, 7 November 2009, Lucerne (Switzerland).
Lecture: “Daily Life in the GDR,” in the course on twentieth century German history, 4 November 4 2009, Berkeley.
“The Borders of Friendship: Travel and Identity in East-Central Europe, 1972-2007” at the conference: Central Europe 1989: Lessons and Legacies, October 17, 2009, Lawrence.
“Budapest – New Worlds for Travel in East Central Europe” at the 34th Annual Conference of the American Hungarian Educators’ Association, 15 May 2009, University of California, Berkeley.
“Learning from Socialist Travel. How Inter-cultural Exchange Changed the Picture of Socialism and Post-Socialism,” at concluding conference on Der Staatssozialismus und die „transnationalen Zwischenräume“, 1956–1989, 21 September 2008, Florence (Italy).
„Völkerfreundschaft oder Instrument des Staates? Die offene Grenze zwischen Frankfurt und Slubice, 1972-1980.“ Vortrag für das Treffen der Berliner und Brandenburger Osteuropahistorikerinnen und –historiker 2008: Zwischen Imperien und Nationalstaat. Städtische Kulturen im östlichen Europa, 27 Juni 2008, Frankfurt/Oder (Germany).
- “Znów we Wrocławiu: The Schiller Monument,” at the Zeit Foundation’s 2005 Summer Academy, July 2005, Wrocław (Poland).